Coronavirus spread rates worldwide return to January levels

For instance, over the past 24 hours, more than 518,000 new cases of the coronavirus infection have been detected while in the middle of February the daily incidence was below 400,000, TASS reports.
The highest number of new infections, according to the WHO, is currently being registered in the countries of North and South America and in the European region. The total number of infections during the pandemic has approached 128 mln, about 3 mln people died.
TASS analyzed the situation in countries with the highest incidence.
The infection spread rates are currently the highest in Brazil where over 80,000 cases have been registered daily. The incidence in the country has been growing for the fourth week in a row, in terms of the total number of infections during the pandemic (over 12.57 mln people) Brazil became second worldwide.
In the US, currently 60,000-70,000 infections are being detected daily which approximately corresponds to the level of last October. During the January peak the daily growth remained at the level of 300,000.
In Argentina, over 14,000 new cases of the infection have been detected over the past 24 hours which became the highest value since the beginning of this year.
A growth in incidence is observed in the majority of European countries. One of the highest indicators is currently documented in France where about 40,000 new cases are being registered daily. In terms of the total number of infections (4.55 mln) the country ranks fourth worldwide, overtaking Russia (about 4.53 mln) where recently the infection spread rates have noticeably decreased.
The incidence reached record highs in Poland (over 30,000 new daily infections) and in Ukraine (16,000-18,000).
In Italy, 23,000-24,000 infections have been documented daily since early March. In Germany, after a prolonged decline, the incidence rose again to 20,000 daily cases which corresponds to values of last October.
In a number of European countries the share of those currently infected with the coronavirus is very high. As a result, hospitals and intensive care units in particular are filled almost to their capacity.
In India, 56,200 cases of the coronavirus infection have been detected over the past 24 hours, while earlier more than 60,000 daily infections have been detected for three straight days. After a prolonged and gradual decline to the level of 10,000-12,000 the incidence in the country resumed to climb rapidly since the beginning of March. Authorities are apprehensive that in April or May, if the growth in incidence continues at the current rate, India may return to values of last September (over 90,000 daily infections).
In Turkey, the incidence has also been growing since early spring and by the end of March the country began to document as many as 30,000 daily infections which is just slightly below the peak values (32,000-33,000) of last December.