Court jails captain of capsized South Korean ferry to 36 years

GWANGJU. KAZINFORM Lee Joon-seok, the captain widely derided by families for leaping to safety while the hundreds of people remained inside the sinking South Korean ferry, was sentenced Tuesday to 36 years in jail.

Although he was acquitted of murder, Lee was found guilty of violating "seamen's law" and abandonment causing death and injury. The sentence was the culmination of a five-month trial. A panel of three judges delivered the verdict and the sentence for Lee, who was accused of multiple charges including negligence, abandonment, and murder, for his conduct on the Sewol ferry that sunk on April 16. Prosecutors had sought the death penalty for Lee, alleging that he did not use the available equipment such as life rafts, life vests and announcements to evacuate the passengers, CNN reports. Details also at

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