11:31, 23 March 2021 | GMT +5
COVID: 13,846 new cases, 386 more victims, ANSA
ROME. KAZINFORM There have been 13,846 new cases of COVID-19 in Italy in the last 24 hours, and 386 more victims from the virus, the health ministry said Monday.

This compared with 20,159 more cases and 300 new victims on Sunday, ANSA reports.
Some 169,196 more tests have been done, compared to 277,086 Sunday.
The positivity rate has risen from 7.2% to 8.1%, a gain of 0.9%.
Intensive care cases rose by 227, and hospital admissions by 565.
The number of cases since the start of the epidemic is now 3,400,877, and the death toll 105,328.
The currently positive in Italy are 563,067, up 8,605 on Sunday.
The recovered and discharged are now 2,732,482, up 32,720 over the last 24 hours.