COVID-19: Deaths total 313.8 thousand, cases reach 12.5 mi in Brazil

The total number of COVID-19 cases in the country went up to 12,573,615. Between Sunday and Monday, 38,927 new diagnoses were confirmed, AgenciaBrasil reports.
The figures were released by the Health Ministry in its daily report on Monday (Mar. 29). The survey combines data collected by state and local authorities on COVID-19 cases and deaths caused by the disease.
Recovered patients now add up to 10,969,247. The amount of patients with an active case, being monitored by health teams, was reported at 1,290,502.
The data are usually lower on Sundays and Mondays due to fewer agents registering cases and deaths. On Tuesdays, numbers tend to go higher as accumulated information is finally computed.
The list of Brazilian states with the highest death tolls for COVID-19 is headed by São Paulo (72,283), followed by Rio de Janeiro (36,149), Minas Gerais (23,788), Rio Grande do Sul (19,020), and Paraná (16,290).
Those with the lowest number of fatalities are Acre (1,240), Amapá (1,279), Roraima (1,320), Tocantins (1,984), and Sergipe (3,456).
Up to Monday evening, 34.8 million vaccine doses had been distributed. Of these, 17.8 million doses were applied—13.9 million as the first dose, 4 million as the second.