COVID-19 lockdown easing could cause anxiety for many, UK experts warn

LONDON. KAZINFORM The easing of coronavirus lockdown and the subsequent return to schools, workplaces and social events could trigger stress and anxiety for many people, UK mental health experts warned Saturday.

Those with mental health issues will be particularly anxious about the readjustment of life coming with the lifting of restrictions, they said, Xinhua reports.

«Lockdown has given people with mental health conditions like anxiety and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders) permission to stay at home, and knowing that at some point you'll have to go out again can actually trigger stress and anxiety,» Tine Van Bortel, a senior research associate in public health at the University of Cambridge, told The Guardian newspaper.

Rosie Weatherley, an information content manager at mental health charity Mind, said: «Some of us might have found there were some unexpected plus points to lockdown, and therefore feel uneasy or anxious at the prospect of it being lifted. For example, we may be worried about 'normality' resuming, or not wanting to return to a faster pace with busier daily lives, and less downtime to ourselves.»

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