CPC capacity to increase significantly in 2023 - Minister Akchulakov

Фото: svetland-oil.kz
ASTANA. KAZINFORM The capacity of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium will be significantly increased in 2023, Minister of Energy Bulat Akchulakov said at a briefing today, Kazinform reports.

«As pet the Presidential instruction, we have developed a Road Map on diversification of hydrocarbons export: higher utilization of Atyrau-Samara route with further transportation to Ust Luga, Novorossiysk ports; development of the Trans-Caspian International Route, increasing oil exports to China including expansion of some sections of Kazakhstan-China pipeline,» he said.

In his words, the de-bottlenecking project on Kazakhstan’s section of CPC will be finished in 2023, which will let increase capacities from 53.7mln tonnes to 72.5mln tonnes per annum.

Photo: svetland-oil.kz

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