Creation of Customs Union makes initiative on Eurasian Union real - Kazakh President

The Head of the State noted that the Customs Union would enable to organize a common market with more than 170 million people, and for the business of the member states (Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus) it would be very profitably. Besides, he noted that the sides intended to continue to coordinate efforts aimed at joining the WTO.
"The decision on establishment of the Customs Union lays the foundation for the formation of single economic space - the next stage of the integration process which means free transfer of both service and human capital", N. Nazarbayev said. He noted that any CIS country could join the organization, but "they will have to overcome a difficult path."
"Our states prepared more than 30 legislative acts that should pass certain state procedures", the Kazakh leader stressed.
Thus, the President said that "the initiative on creation of the Eurasian Union, the next stage after the Single Economic Space becomes real."