14:23, 10 January 2020 | GMT +5
CSTO to issue statements on international security
MOSCOW. KAZINFORM – The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is preparing political statements on international security, CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zainetdinov told BelTA.

«Russia's Permanent Representative to the CSTO - Ambassador at Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrei Shvedov chaired a session of the CSTO Permanent Council, which was the first in 2020. Taking part in the session was Stanislav Zas who recently assumed the office of the CSTO Secretary General. The participants of the session discussed draft political statements on a number of issues related to international security,» Vladimir Zainetdinov said.
The CSTO members include Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Kazinform refers to BelTA.