Cuban and Kazakh schools of boxing have much in common - Honored coach of Cuba Alcides Sagarra

AGANDA. December 22. KAZINFORM /Valentina Yelizarova/ The Cuban and Kazakh schools of boxing have much in common; Advisor to the President of the Cuban Boxing Federation, Honored coach of Cuba, professor Alcides Sagarra thinks so. He noted that Kazakhstan pays great attention to the issues of the nation's healthcare at the state level.

The Cuban boxing coach said so in an interview to Kazinform within the framework of the XXVI International Boxing Tournament in memory of Galym Zharylgapov, which A.Sagarra attended as an honored guest.

You have already been to our country. Can you see any progress?

Yes, I visited Kazakhstan in 2000 and in 2002. You have seen many changes for this short term. I am very grateful to Kazakhstanis, especially to dear Karaganda residents, for invitation and opportunity to visit your country once more. Besides, our visit was coincident with your national holiday.  

In such difficult time, when the whole world experiences the crisis, you found opportunity to hold the international tournament. Karaganda is a peculiar capital of boxing.

In your opinion, what is the level of Kazakhstan's boxing?

I cannot say what place Kazakhstan's boxing occupies. But the fact that you are among those countries, which trained Olympic champions in this sport, conveys a great deal.

Can you as the Advisor to the President of the Cuban Boxing Federation give recommendations to the Kazakh colleagues?

I can note that both countries have something alike. It is a common basis of the school. At the same time, approaches cannot be similar, because we are situated on different parts of the earth. Each of us should improve and modernize its methodology.

The whole world knows names of famous Cuban boxers. Is there a secret of champions training?


The all Cubans engaged in sports activities. Our Head of the Sate is taking care of the nation's health. We noted that Kazakhstan is also paying attention to it. We have much in common. And there is no secret. It is just only because we, the Cubans, are very hardworking and industrious people. And the Kazakhstanis are too.


Thank you for the interview.    

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