Day 8 exhibition project to feature artists from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Venezuela
The exhibition, which will open on 20 February, will feature the contemporary fine and decorative arts.
To encourage the creativity and promote the socialization of children with disabilities the exhibition will also feature the children's works selected in the course of master classes held in the National Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities in Minsk.
The project "Day 8" is the continuation of the previous projects of the international public association "The Union of Artists-Peacekeepers ‘Light'" , including the exhibition "The Artist-Peacekeeper", "In the Paradise of Snails and Flowers", "Canon", "Two Rivers", "Sunday" and others.
A work of art is not only the result of subjective interpretation of the reality by the artist. It is his direct contribution to the creation of th ecollective model of the world.
Day 8 is a day of taking responsibility, a day of cooperation to develop a reassuring model of your world and your destiny. Every action, word or thought is interrelated by thousands of cause and effect relations with other people and affect a great number of events. If you want to change something, you need to change yourself first.
Expressing the ideas of harmony, beauty, professionalism, the artists of the Union of Artists-Peacekeepers "Light" promote their life-affirming vision of the world by achieving the effect of the synergy in establishing spiritual culture structures.
The organizers of the international exhibition project "Day Eight" is the National Library of Belarus and the Union of Artists-Peacekeepers "Light", Kazinform refers to BelTA.