Day of Spontaneous Kindness marked in Almaty

ALMATY. KAZINFORM - Soap bubbles and tasty treats turned the Spontaneous Kindness Day into a big party for the foster children of the Social Service Center N2 of Almaty.

The International Day of Spontaneous Kindness was initiated by the international charity organizations and is marked annually on February 17. This day is popular in Europe and the United States where charity events and marathons are arranged with participation of popular people.

The main rule of the day is to treat everyone with heartful kindness.

The fund AYALA arranged the holiday with the help of animators and confectionery store. Children played with the soap bubbles and enjoyed pizza and a lot of sweet treats. 

As of today there are 150 children having various health impairment. 70% of these children are unwanted orphan children. null null  



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