De Mistura: Astana Process helps reduce violence in Syria

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Astana Peace Process has greatly contributed to the reduction of levels of violence in Syria, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Thursday at the high-level meeting on Syria at the UN Headquarters, TASS reports.

He said that the process of negotiations in Astana made a great impact by significantly reducing the violence levels in several areas of Syria as many lives were saved and almost all the territories held by the ISIS (also known as Daesh, the terrorist organization that is outlawed in Kazakhstan) were liberated.

As the UN Envoy underscored, the defeat of Daesh is only the beginning of the process, because a comprehensive political settlement of the conflict in Syria is needed.

According to him, after the Astana Process almost completely accomplished the stated de-escalation objectives it is necessary to pursue a political settlement, and this implies a return to Geneva peace talks.


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