Deaths surpass births in N Kazakhstan region
According to the National Statistics Bureau, 2,605 boys and 2,362 girls were born in the region. Over 41% of the births fall at Petropavlovsk city.
Among districts the highest birth rate was reported in Ualikhanovsk, Shal akyn, Zhambyl, and Aiyrtausk, while M. Zhumabayev district saw the lowest birth rate.
Around 20% of the total deaths were caused by respiratory diseases, over 14% by circulatory diseases, over 7% by neoplasia and diseases of the digestive system, and over 6% by accidents, poisoning, and injuries.
This year has seen 2,648 marriages, 24% more than in 2020, and 544 divorces.
New arrivals decreased by 12% and leavers rose by 0.5% that ended in a 30% rise in interregional migration deficit. There was a 7% growth in external migration deficit with the number of arrivals falling by 28% and leavers by 1.7%. The region saw decrease in immigrants from the CIS and other countries, whereas emigration to other countries rose by 64% and dropped by 4.8% to the CIS countries.
The region’s population stood at 539.4 thousand people, including 252.9 thousand city residents, as of October 1, 2021, falling from 540 thousand in the pervious month.