December 2. Kazinform's timeline of major events
Kazinform's Timeline is the one-stop shop where you can learn about historical events for the 2nd of December. See what notable events happened throughout Kazakhstan's history on December 2.

2006– The Kazakh peacekeeping brigade Kazbrig is formed within the Kazakh peacekeeping battalion Kazbat.
2008 – The International Center of Cultures and Religions is opened in Astana city.
2016 – Kazakhstani Zhansaya Abdumalik wins the 6th Women International Chess Memorial of Krystyna Hołuj-Radzikowska in Wrocław, Poland, outscoring woman grandmaster Anastasia Bodnaruk of Russia in a nine-round match as well as bronze medalist of the Women's European Individual Chess Championship Polish Monika Soćko.
2018 – The Spanish capital hosts the solemn ceremony of opening the Center for Kazakh Literature and Arts at the Library of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID), leading to the signature of the General Protocol between the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan and the AECID Library.
2019 – The first Tourist Center is opened in Otyrar district, Turkestan region, in Kazakhstan.
2020 – Kazakh film The Girl and the Sea wins the Best social drama prize at the Silk Road Film Awards – Cannes in France.
2021 – The shooting of the 15-series film Book of Words of Abai is completed.