Declaration on Customs Union creation, Action Plan on formation of Single Economic Space signed in Almaty

sp; ALMATY. December 19. KAZINFORM. /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ A joint declaration on creation of the Customs Union between Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia and an Action Plan on formation of the Single Economic Space have been signed at the CIS Informal Summit in Almaty today.

The document was signed by the presidents of the three states Nursultan Nazarbayev, Alexander Lukashenko and Dmitry Medvedev.

The President of Kazakhstan declared that the Customs Union was finally established. "Having considered the information of the members of the Commission and EurAsEC Secretary General on preparation of the Action Plan on formation of the Single Economic Space the Interstate Council of the Heads of the States decided to adopt this Plan. The governments of the three states together with the Commission of the Customs Union have to ensure implementation of the Action Plan and inform the EurAsEC Interstate Council on time", N. Nazarbayev noted.

The Kazakh leader emphasized that the creation of the Customs Union was the second stage of the integration process. The first one was the free trade area. The third will be a common market, single economic space followed by an economic union by the type of the European Union.

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