Defense Ministry denies information that drones attacking Tatarstan were launched from Kazakhstan territory

Defense Ministry denies information about attack on facilities in Tatarstan from Kazakhstan territory
Photo credit: Mukhtor Kholdorbekov/Kazinform

The Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan has denied information disseminated in some Telegram channels about an alleged attack on targets in Russia's  Tatarstan using home-produced drones, Kazinform reports.

According to the Ministry, such statements are incorrect and are part of insinuations aimed at discrediting Kazakhstan.

“The information disseminated in some Telegram channels that the drones which allegedly attacked the targets in the Republic of Tatarstan had been launched from the territory of Kazakhstan is not true. Such insinuations are aimed at discrediting the Republic of Kazakhstan,” a statement reads. 

The Ministry of Defense calls on citizens and media to trust only official sources.

Last month, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced development and production of drones in the country. The drones are used to detect emergency situations, to monitor the condition of territories through which oil and gas pipelines run, to combat poaching, to count animals, to control the state border, and to monitor the condition of power lines and agricultural lands.

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