Delegation of Accounts Committee studied experience of Latvian State Control

The Kazakhstani delegation acquainted with the legal system of the state financial control of Latvia, history of its creation, authorities, structure and organization of the State control.
The delegation also visited the Parliament of Latvia, discussed Latvian experience of mutual interaction of the highest body for financial control with its Parliament.
Following the results of the visit State controller of the Latvian Republic Inguna Sudraba confirmed her intension to take part in the third session of the working group on national key indexes of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) scheduled in Astana next year.
The Accounts Committee is a supreme audit institution of Kazakhstan directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It exercises external control (audit) and evaluation of the execution of the republican budget, use of grants, state assets, state guaranteed loans, revenues from sale of goods (works, services) by the governmental institutions.