Development rates of agriculture sphere to ensure food safety of country - U.Shukeyev

ASTANA. December 14. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ Development rates of the agriculture field will allow to ensure food safety of the country. First Vice Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeyev has announced it at the national session on agroindustrial complex.

He noted that this year was difficult for the country's agrarian field; the world financial crisis affected its development. But the measures taken timely allowed to maintain the results reached, and bring them to a higher level.

"The manufacture rate of agriculture products has increased by 10 percent against the last year. There was maintained the production rate of stock breeding. Good result is expected by the end of the year", U.Shukeyev said.

But he noted that the agriculture sphere has many disadvantages and problems, which need their solution. "It is not a secret, that achievements of the agroindustrial complex were reached owing to extensive factors. It is the main cause of low productiveness and quality of the products", U.Shukeyev said.

The First Vice Prime Minister reminded that Kazakhstan will function within the framework of the Customs Union from January 1.

"Besides, the day, when we will become the WTO members, is near. We will increase our competitiveness at the market. We should prepare for it in advance. We should transfer the agrarian field to innovation technologies based on modern achievements", U.Shukeyed said.

Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov, heads of the central state bodies, akims of oblasts, cities, municipalities and villages, representatives of social-entrepreneurial corporations and agroindustrial complex of the country take part at the session.

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