13:23, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
Dialogue to ensure trust and save from conflicts ? Dariga Nazarbayeva
ALMATY. April 23. KAZINFORM /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ It is only a multilateral global dialogue that can ensure trust in the world politics and economy. It is a dialogue that can save us from sinking into new conflicts, Dariga Nazarbayeva, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian Media-Forum remarked at the ceremony of Forum opening in Almaty today.

?Today's Eurasian Media-Forum is being held in a difficult period. The world economy is going through the largest economic depression, and the globalization we were so proud of recently has turned the regional crisis into planetary?, D. Nazarbayeva said. According to her, other than economical reasons this historical disaster has serious ideological roots.
D. Nazarbayeva highlighted the importance of the traditions of the Eurasian dialogue between civilizations. ?I am deeply convinced that our forum is one of the permanent centers of this dialogue which ensures formation of the common information space. I would call it as 'a space of mutual understanding between civilizations?, she said.