Digitalization to help attract KZT 137 bln in 2020

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM Kazakh PM Askar Mamin focused today on the development of the country’s digitalization plans for 2020.

«Digitalization becomes a key factor of competitiveness amid the global digitalization trend in all spheres of life and economy. We will take measures this year to provide up to 90% of the population with internet services, improve people’s digital literacy skills up to 80%,» the PM told the extended Government meeting.

He noted that great attention should be paid to the implementation of the Smart Cities project to enhance the operating efficiency of municipal services and infrastructure.

Nazarbayev University and World Bank develop a project to introduce AI technologies in state bodies. In 2020 it is planned to attract KZT 137 bln of investments and create 10,000 new workplaces thanks to digitalization.

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