16:24, 06 March 2009 | GMT +5
Draft Agenda of plenary session of Kazakh Parliament defined: Majilis Bureau
ASTANA. March 6. KAZINFORM Session of the Bureau of the Majilis (Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament), chaired by Speaker Ural Mukhamedzhanov, where the draft agenda of the regular session of the House has been held today.
The relevant committees of the House introduced the proposals of the mitigation committee on negotiation of disagreements between the Majilis and the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament on the bill ?On commodity markets? and corresponding amendments.
The bill ?On ratification of the Amendment to the Agreement between Kazakhstan and the United States of America on abolishment of silo launchers of intercontinental ballistic vehicles, liquidation pf emergency situations and prevention of spread of nuclear weapons? was proposed to the agenda as well.
The Deputies proposed introduction of amendments to the Ecological Code on the issues of regulation of import of environmentally unsound technologies and equipment.
Issues, concerned with the holding of the international parliamentary conferences ?Modern Kazakhstan and ?Path to Europe? were considered at the session of the bureau as well.