23:22, 19 December 2012 | GMT +5
Draft agr't on establishing Eurasian Economic Union to be prepared in 2014 - Putin
MOSCOW. December 19. KAZINFORM Draft agreement on the establishment of Eurasian Economic Union is planned to be prepared till May 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin told a final briefing after the meetings of the EurAsEC Interstate Council and Supreme Eurasian Economic Council with participation of Kazakhstan and Belarus.

"Eurasian economic integration is a calculated independent and sovereign choice of each of our states. The main thing is to do everything necessary to ensure that by 2015 we establish Eurasian Economic Union," the head of the Russian Federation said.
"EEC developed a plan to promote this goal. The government of the three countries have been instructed to speed up work in order to adopt the plan by May 1, 2013, and present the draft agreement by May 2014, so that from 1 January 2015 it comes into force," said Putin.
He added that the talks confirmed that the multi-dimensional integration in the Eurasian space is gaining momentum. He noted that during the operation of the Customs Union bilateral trade has been significantly increased.