Dutch King received Ambassador of Kazakhstan
The sides discussed the issues of future deepening of bilateral trade and economic, scientific and technological cooperation that is traditionally based on a high level of political interaction.
The King of the Netherlands was informed about the recent achievements of Kazakhstan in political and social and economic spheres, strategic course "Kazakhstan-2050" and "Nurly Zhol" Program and the National Plan "100 specific steps" aimed at high-quality deepening of economic relations with foreign partners.
King Willem-Alexander noted that Kazakhstan and the Netherlands had a constructive dialogue and an active exchange of visits at all levels. The King also warmly recalled the meeting with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev during his visit to the Netherlands in 2014. He also noted a productive dialogue of Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte to Astana in December 2015.
Given the geopolitical and geo-economic role of Kazakhstan, the Dutch King emphasized the participation of Kazakhstan in "Economic Belt of Silk Road" project jointly with China that demonstrates the position of Kazakhstan as the key business partner and important transport and logistics hub in Eurasia.
Upon completion of the meeting the Dutch King also noted the importance of further strengthening of bilateral relations, and expressed his hope to visit Kazakhstan in the nearest fututre.