12:46, 21 February 2014 | GMT +5
E Kazakhstan and AES sign memo on corporate responsibility
UST KAMENOGORSK. KAZINFORM The issue concerning signing of corporate social responsibility memoranda was debated at the conference call held at the East Kazakhstan region akimat (local administration).
The meeting was ended with signing a memo of corporate responsibility between the akimat and AES Group. In 2012 social partnership with the company gave its results. AES built a kindergarten, forwarded funds to the Semey husbandry farm, rendered material and technical assistance to children's homes. The memo for two years ahead stipulates KZT 600 mln for social projects. KZT 300 mln will be allocated for the construction of a kindergarten in Ust Kamenogorsk, KZT 230 mln for the restoration of a building in Shulba village.