15:52, 17 April 2009 | GMT +5
Economy Ministry working on improvement of public financial control
ASTANA. April 17. KAZINFORM The priorities for 2009 have been discoursed by the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning during the board sitting, namely well-timed and efficient execution of the objectives set forth by the President and implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Ministry for 2009-2011.

Thus, in a short term the Ministry will start developing a Draft Strategic Development Plan of Kazakhstan by 2020 with specific goals, objectives and directions of social, economic and political development of the country within the next decade.
The Ministry will also address itself to working out a framewok for adoption of the Law ?On the System of Public Planning? by the President, and bringing the documents of current strategies and programs in line with the new system of the public planning and the Strategic Development Plan by 2020. The Ministry plans to have the local executive authorities transfer to the new system of public planning.
The work on the main directions of economic modernization and promotion of the business activity in the country is supposed to be activated.
Upon the board session the Ministry will design and bring in the bill on improvement of public financial control to the Government.