Economy of simple things: 59 enterprises of Zhambyl rgn gain financial support

TARAZ. KAZINFORM – Zhambyl region’s business circles actively participate in Economy of simple things program, Kazinform correspondent reports.

According to the press service of the region’s Governor, Zhambyl region takes the second place in the republic in the implementation of the program Economy of simple things. As of today 53 projects of the region have gained financial support.

According to the results of the previous year, out of 112 projects under development for a total of KZT70.5 billion, the banks have approved 53 projects worth KZT22,691 million including the projects of Talas Investment Company LLP (sodium cyanide); SuperPharm LLP (medical devices); QazStonePaper LLP (corrugated cardboard). In addition there are projects under consideration: Kazphosphate LLP (ammophos production facility); Alel Agro JSC (poultry farm); Hamburg LLP (commercial diary farm); Agrospetsstroy LLP (foam concrete blocks); KazMeatKorday LLP (cattle breeding).

According to a Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region, the number of operating small and medium-sized enterprises in the region amounted to 69,604, the share of the total number of registered is 81.2%. The number of operating SMEs increased by 10.2% compared with the same period of the last year.

It is worth noting that the number of people employed in small and medium-sized businesses reached 124,685 which is 7.8% more than in the corresponding period of the last year.

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