Economy of simple things, new investment projects and job creation — development of Zhambyl region

According to the Akimat of the Zhambyl region, the performance results of 11 months of 2019 showed 105.2% economic growth. Volumes of industrial production increased by 6.3%, agriculture — by 4.6%, construction — by 1.9%, transport — by 4.3%, trade — by 7.9%, communications — by 7%. Investments in fixed assets increased by 10.5%.
Agriculture: Number One in Product Growth
According to the growth of agricultural production among the regions of the country, Zhambyl region takes the first place.
The volume of gross agricultural production in the Zhambyl region in January-November 2019 amounted to 300.2 billion tenge, including crop production by 178.5 billion tenge, livestock — by 119.9 billion tenge.
The cultivated area was increased by 18 thousand ha, amounting to 687 thousand ha, the area of intensive gardens increased by 40% (1,029 ha). Sugar beet yield reached 135 thousand tons, an increase of 7%. To develop the production of sugar beets, the construction of a modern sugar factory with a capacity of 148 thousand tons per year has begun. As part of the activities of 55 cooperatives, 13.3 thousand tons of milk and 4.5 thousand tons of meat were produced. The export of mutton meat increased to 972 tons, thereby making up 37% of the export volume of the whole republic.
The investment attractiveness of the agricultural industry in the region is increasing. For 11 months of this year, 23.7 billion tenge of investments were attracted to the fixed assets of agriculture, which is 18.1% more than in the same period last year.
6.5 billion tenge of investments was attracted to food production, the growth was 133.1%.
This year, 30.4 billion tenge was allocated from all sources of financing to support the agro-industrial complex (12.4 billion tenge more than in 2018), including 20.2 billion tenge from the national budget, 10.2 billion from the local budget billion tenge.
The industry is introducing new technologies aimed at improving product quality and reducing costs. According to the results of the first half of 2019, the growth of labor productivity in agriculture compared to the indicators of 2018 amounted to 108.9%, that is, one worker on average produces agricultural products for 291.1 thousand tenge.
In connection with the positive pace of production and increased competitiveness, work is actively ongoing to increase exports. This year it is planned to export meat in the amount of 1,500 tons of beef and 2,000 tons of lamb. Since the beginning of this year, 2,211.7 tons (1,205.3 tons of beef and 1,006.4 tons of mutton) have already been shipped to Iran, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
In general, agricultural exports amounted to 77.6 thousand tons. Including:
1.3 tons of cattle for $2.4 thousand were exported to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan;
$711 kg of cattle and small cattle for $3.7 thousand were exported to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Iran and Russia;
22.7 tons of potatoes for $1.7 thousand were exported to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, and 29.6 tons of onions for $4.1 million — to Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Austria, Georgia, Iraq, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Estonia, Belarus and Russia.
2.7 tons of biological and meslin products for $371 thousand were exported to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, 5.2 tons of barley — to Uzbekistan and Iran.
4.1 tons of animal feed for $1.1 thousand were exported to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, and 1.4 tons of sunflower oil for $1.6 million — to Uzbekistan, Belgium, Germany, China, the Netherlands and Japan.
Region’s Industry Employs 41.8 Thousand People
The basis for the diversification of industrial production and the dominant industry in the region is manufacturing, whose share is more than 74%.
The manufacturing industry of the region is represented mainly by 6 major industries, the share of which in the total volume is over 98%:
chemical industry (47%);
food production (17.2%);
metallurgy and production of finished metal products (15.4%);
manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (11.6%);
petroleum product manufacturing (4.2%);
mechanical engineering (2.7%).
For January-November 2019, the volume of manufacturing industry in the region amounted to 319.5 billion tenge, or 107% compared to the corresponding period last year.
Industrial production growth occurred in the following manufacturing sectors: production of oil products by 17.9%, chemical industry — by 20.5%, finished metal products — by 33.1% and in machine building — by 2.9%.
The number of people employed in the industry of the region in January-September 2019 amounted to 41.8 thousand people, including 23.8 thousand people in the manufacturing sector.
Today, 107 industrial enterprises operate in the region, including 89 enterprises in the manufacturing industry.
Fifty Investment Projects — 6,700 New Jobs
In the framework of the State Program of Industrial and Innovative Development for 2015-2019, 50 investment projects with a total value of 603.5 billion tenge are being implemented in the Zhambyl region. The implementation of these projects involves the creation of about 6,700 new jobs.
For 2015-2018, 27 projects were implemented as part of industrialization, with a total cost of 46.8 billion tenge, where 1,842 new jobs were created.
In 2019, under the Entrepreneurship Support Map, five projects were implemented worth 5.9 billion tenge and 191 new jobs were created. In 2020, it is planned to implement 15 projects totaling 195 billion tenge, where it is planned to open about 1,800 new jobs.
Today in the region at the planning stage are projects to create mineral fertilizer production, such as Kazchemicals LLP worth 570 billion tenge and Eurochem-Karatau LLP with a total value of 380 billion tenge. Also, a project for the production of soda ash with a capacity of up to 400 thousand tons per year of Qazaq soda LLP, which will cover the needs of the Republic and provide import substitution.
By the way, within the framework of the Prime Minister Askar Mamin’s working visit to the Zhambyl region, in the city of Zhanatas of the Sarysu region, an investment agreement was signed between the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region and EuroChem Mineral and Chemical Plant JSC .
As the Head of the Phosphorite Flour Production Nurlan Kashkinbekov noted, EuroChem is developing two deposits of the Karatau phosphorite-bearing basin in southern Kazakhstan. The company began mining ore in 2014, in 2016 the project reached its full capacity of 640 thousand tons of phosphate rock per year. EuroChem now supplies phosphate rock from Kazakhstan to its plant in the Krasnodar Territory, Belorechensk Mineral Fertilizers, where it is used to produce phosphate and complex mineral fertilizers.
«The production of phosphate rock is the hallmark of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our company is considered one of the important industrial facilities. Employees of the enterprise are satisfied with wages. The personnel who service the equipment are the indigenous inhabitants of the city of Zhanatas,» Kashkinbekov noted.
Also during the working trip, the prime minister got acquainted with the construction project of the Zhanatassky wind farm worth 50 billion tenge. At the first stage, the capacity will be 100 MW, at the second — 200 MW. To date, 19 wind generators have been installed; in the first quarter of 2020, their number will be increased to 40.
According to the Regional Project Manager of Zhanatas Wind Power LLP LLP Nauryzbek Zhumagazin, 300 workers were involved in the construction. After commissioning, about 30 people will be hired, mainly from the local population.
«The annual electricity generation will be 340 MW / hour. It will be the first wind farm in Kazakhstan and Central Asia with such great power,» Zhumagazin said.
Sugar, Pasta, Seed oil: Development of Food Industry
In January-November 2019, the volume of food production amounted to 54.8 billion tenge, or 97.7% compared to the same period in 2018. The industry's share in the structure of manufacturing was 17.2%.
There are 24 food industry enterprises in the industry. The main producers of products in the industry are the Taraz and Merkensky sugar factories, which account for more than 50% of the products in the industry. Successfully operating enterprises for the production of dairy products: LLP Burnenskaya Dairy Company and LLP Merken Cheese Factory. The pasta production is carried out by such enterprises as Mark of profection LLP, Ta-Mak LLP, Rola-7 LLP; high-quality vegetable oil of LLP Kaz-Ir-Agro.
The following food products are exported:
meat products (Iran, Oman, UAE, etc.);
pasta (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan);
seed oil (Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, Uzbekistan, etc.).
As part of a working trip to the Zhambyl region, Prime Minister Askar Mamin took part in the launch of the 3rd production line of the Saule confectionery factory, which will additionally create 70 new jobs.
An individual entrepreneur invested 850 million tenge in the reconstruction of the Saule confectionery factory in Taraz. The introduction of modern equipment will increase the capacity of the enterprise from 4.5 thousand to 12 thousand tons. It is also planned to export products. As the Chief Technologist of the Saule Confectionery Factory Maxim Grishishin noted, in the future it is planned to build a new building and purchase new production lines.
«Two wafer production lines were put into operation at the factory. These are glazed and unglazed wafers. We have also launched a cookie production line. This is a very large powerful line that produces sugar and puff pastries. Today, 136 people are already working at our enterprise. We are also installing the fourth glazed roasting production line, which we plan to launch after the New Year,» Grishishin said.
Financial Support Measures Covered 53 Projects of Industries of the Economy of Simple Things
Zhambyl region takes the second place in the republic in the implementation of the program «Economy of simple things.» According to the results of 11 months of 2019, out of 112 projects under development for a total of 70.5 billion tenge, banks approved 53 projects for 22,691 million tenge. There are 18 projects under consideration for 45,854 million tenge. Thirty projects funded for 820.2 million tenge.
Of the major projects approved:
Talas Investment Company LLP (sodium cyanide);
SuperPharm LLP (medical devices);
QazStonePaper LLP (corrugated cardboard).
Under consideration:
Kazphosphate LLP (ammophos workshop 10:46);
Alel Agro JSC 1st stage (poultry farm);
Hamburg LLP (MTF);
Agrospetsstroy LLP (foam blocks);
KazMeatKorday LLP (cattle breeding).
About 125 Thousand People Employed in SMEs
As of Dec. 1, 2019, the number of operating small and medium-sized enterprises in the region amounted to 69,604, the share of the total number of registered is 81.2%. Compared with the same period last year, the number of operating SMEs increased by 10.2%.
The number of people employed in small and medium-sized businesses reached 124,685, which is 7.8% more than in the corresponding period last year.
In the first half of 2019, SMEs produced goods (works, services) in the amount of 167 billion tenge.
According to statistics, in January-June 2019, the share of SMEs in gross regional product amounted to 17.7%, gross value added 119.3 billion tenge.
Unified Economic Map is being Developed to Attract New Wave of Investment
In January-November 2019, the volume of investments in fixed assets amounted to 250.1 billion tenge, thereby ensuring growth of 10.5% compared to the same period last year (215.3 billion tenge). A pool of 66 investment projects was formed with a total investment of 2.7 trillion tenge with project implementation periods from 2020 to 2025 with the creation of about 11,400 new jobs.
In 2019, microloans worth 8.6 billion tenge were issued to entrepreneurs.
Thanks to the measures taken to create a favorable investment climate and stimulate business activity in the region, there is the Center for Investor Services, Project Management and Digitalization, a modern front office in Taraz, which works on the principle of «one window,» has been opened. All investment projects are accompanied by an Investor Service Center.
To further attract investors in the region, a unified economic map is being developed that defines the specialization and potential of the region by region. The map will reflect data on free land, natural resources and infrastructure facilities.
In addition, in the Zhambyl region, the SEZ Taraz Chemical Park was created, where tax, customs and other benefits are applied to participants. Currently, the SEZ management company is actively working to attract investment and new participants to the territory of the SEZ.
To date, six participants are registered in the territory of the ChemPark Taraz SEZ, who plan to implement seven production facilities:
Production of caustic soda and chlorine;
Integrated chemical complex for the projects «Production of glyphosate (herbicide) and phosphorus trichloride»;
Production complex of biological systems for plant protection and micronutrient fertilizers;
Construction of a plant for the integrated processing of natural gas;
Production of mineral phosphate fertilizers DAF / MAF;
Construction of a sugar factory;
Production of radial tires with an all-steel carcass for buses and trucks.
The total amount of planned investments for projects is 648.3 billion tenge.
Eleven Housing Facilities under Construction for Low-Income and Large Families
Since the beginning of the year, 430 thousand square meters have been commissioned. meters of housing. As part of the Nurly Zher program, 30 multi-apartment residential buildings are under construction. In order to provide housing for low-income and large families in need of housing, 11 dormitories are being built.
Head of Construction Department of the Akimat of Taraz Tolegen Beibosynov spoke about the construction of these apartments. According to him, large-scale construction is being carried out in several microdistricts of the city. To date, ten 60-apartment and five 80-apartment houses have been commissioned, which will be sold through Housing Construction Savings Bank.
«The dormitories for low-income families consist of four blocks. Each block has 45 apartments. The construction of houses began in August 2019. We have already commissioned two hostels in December 2019. We plan to finish two more before Dec. 30,» Baybosynov said.
Within the framework of the project «Auyl – El Besigi,» aimed at modernizing the infrastructure, this year it is planned to implement 108 projects worth 3 billion tenge in three regional centers. Of these, 104 projects completed repair work, and the construction of four social facilities goes on to 2020.
The project to increase incomes will be implemented in five areas. As part of the project implementation in 10 districts, 11 rural areas were identified in pilot mode.
Employment: Over 11 Thousand Jobs Created in 11 Months
The Enbek program covers about 36 thousand people, 27 thousand people are employed. As of Dec. 1, 2019, 18,844 jobs were created, of which 11,500 are permanent. The annual plan is executed at 125.6%. All created jobs are fully implemented in the information system «Map of Job Creation.»
As of Dec. 1, 2019, 41,483 people were covered by active employment measures (the annual plan of 35,482 people was completed by 116.9%). Of these, 30,363 people were employed, the plan was implemented by 107.2%.
As part of the first area of the program, 3,322 people were sent for short-term training, of which 2,901 completed training, of which 2,017 people were employed (69.5%).
In the second direction of the program, 8.1 billion tenge was allocated for the issuance of microloans in rural and urban areas to reach 1,905 people.
As of Dec. 1, 2019, 1,548 people from rural areas received microcredits totaling 6,471.5 million tenge.
Under the Bastau-Business project, it is planned to train 3,800 people in the basics of entrepreneurship. Since the beginning of the year, 2,789 people have been sent to training, of which 2,562 have completed training. Including 479 received microloans, 365 — non-repayable grants.
In addition, according to the project Zhas Kasipker, 918 people were sent for training. All completed the training. 444 received grants.
In this area, 1,783 people will receive grants for 889.6 million tenge. For the reporting period, only 1,656 people received grants for 837.4 million tenge.
In the framework of the third area, 1,538 people were sent to social jobs, of which 532 people who completed work were employed by 450 people (84.6%). 2,445 graduates were sent to youth practice, out of which 1,637 people who completed work were employed for permanent jobs, 1,252 people (76.5%). As of Dec. 1, 5,168 people were involved in community service.
Only 206 families or 586 people moved from the Zhambyl region to the labor-deficient regions of the country.
As a result of the implementation of active measures of employment in the regional labor market, stability has been maintained. In the III quarter of 2019, the unemployment rate was 4.8%, and the youth unemployment rate was 2.7%. In 2018, the unemployment rate was 4.9%, and the youth unemployment rate was 2.9%.
Education: Issue of Three-Shift Schools Fully Resolved
In the field of education in the region, 15 private preschool organizations have been opened, the share of coverage for children aged 3 to 6 years has reached 100%.
Over 2 years, 14 schools were built, 4 emergency, 4 three-shift and 6-with a deficit of places were solved. The issues of three-shift schools at the expense of the local budget were completely resolved.
To date, three schools are under construction. In 2020, the issue of emergency schools will be completely resolved.
Healthcare: 95 Medical Facilities Built
In the healthcare sector, 95 facilities were built in 95 settlements not covered by primary medical facilities in 2 years, the issue has been 100% resolved. An oncology center with 200 beds is also under construction, completion of which is planned in 2021.
Medical information system is implemented in all medical organizations. 383 (98%) of 391 institutions are connected to the Internet. 95% of the population have electronic health passports.
In order to develop a healthy lifestyle in the region, an inventory of small sports fields was carried out. The need for today is 266 objects. In the current year, 134 were built. Until the end of the year another 40 objects will be commissioned, the remaining 92 objects will be fully resolved in 2020. For physical education at the expense of sponsors, a sports complex for 400 people was built, two sports complexes are being built at the expense of the budget.
Over 100 Thousand Tourists Visited Zhambyl Region
Zhambyl region is a special territory combining the most beautiful natural landscapes, a unique historical and cultural heritage, a variety of flora and fauna. The presence of five state nature reserves and five cultural monuments inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as two historical sites — the Aisha Bibi mausoleum and the Akyrtas palace complex, included in the World List of Special Tourist Attractions make the region very attractive for numerous tourists.
Along with traditional types of tourism, almost all existing types of tourism are developing in the Zhambyl region — historical, cultural, pilgrimage, medical, ethnic, equestrian, ecological and others. The region is actively working on the development of tourism and transport infrastructure, a hotel chain and services.
Today in the region there is a positive trend in the growth of tourist flows. For 9 months of 2019, the region was visited by 109,075 foreign and Kazakh tourists.
In order to attract foreign tourists and create comfortable conditions for residents and guests, three tourist zones have been commissioned — the historical and ethnocultural complex Kune Taraz, the ethno-historical complex Tekturmas and the Karalma ski resort.
The KuneTaraz includes a number of objects that allow tourists to understand the culture, traditions, history of our region: Center for Handicraft and Tourism, Center for Spirituality and History named after Sherkhan Murtaza, Art Gallery, Regional Museum of Local Lore, Amphitheater «Retro-Festival, Exhibition Pavilion and tower clock at 39 meter height.
The Tekturmas complex is located on a high slope of Mount Tekturmas, on the upper coast of the Talas River. This tourist complex consists of several architectural structures that reveal all stages of the life of the city of Taraz, which will provide tourists and guests of the region with an opportunity to see a complete chronology of the historical events of our region (Aulie-Ata monument, 14 stagans, observation deck, Lauha stela, Kune Taraz Qaqpasy).
The Kar-Alma ski resort is located in the picturesque Karalma tract in the Zhualynsky district of the Zhambyl region, at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level on the northern slopes of the Talas Range of the Western Tien Shan. Created all the necessary infrastructure for comfortable accommodation and high-quality customer service. The structure of the complex includes 20 European-style cottages, 1 hotel with 100 seats, 2 restaurants with 70 seats each, a cafe with 30 seats, an observation deck, a service center, 2 parking lots for 100 cars each. The resort has a capacity of 6,000 to 12,000 visitors daily.
Also, landscaping and landscaping of the city of Taraz were carried out, 6 cultural leisure facilities and places of entertainment were commissioned. The total amount of investments from the local budget amounted to 3.5 billion tenge.
Next year, it is planned to build the second stage of the Tekturmas complex (cable car, fortress wall Kune Taraz, 26 mini-mausoleums, monumental wall «Battle of Anrahai,» monumental wall «Battle of Atlakh,» cascading waterfall, suspension bridge across the Talas River, service facilities such as restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops, etc.), as well as the construction of the second stage of the Kar-Alma ski base and exploration work of the underground passages of Mount Tekturmas.
In 2020, an increase in the flow of Kazakh and foreign tourists by an average of 335 thousand people is expected, the creation of 12.5 thousand jobs, and revenue to the budget will amount to 1.6 billion tenge.