EEC, Thai govt signed memo of coop

The document was signed November 19 in Bangkok (Thailand) by the EEC Member of the Board for Macroeconomics and Integration Tatyana Valovaya and Minister of Commerce of the Kingdom of Thailand Sontirat Sontijirawong. The memorandum aims at development of interaction between the EAEU countries and the Kingdom of Thailand which will enable the parties to boost mutual trade in goods and services and increase investments.
According to Tatyana Valovaya, the implementation of the memorandum will let strengthen the relations between the EAEU and Thailand. "Undoubtedly, it will give a new impulse to the development of direct contacts between business communities," she said.
A joint group of the EAEU and Thailand will be established to exchange experience, hold joint conferences, forums, roundtable meetings etc.
The sides intend also to interact in regional economic integration, trade policy, customs and technical regulation, sanitary, veterinary-sanitary and quarantine phito-sanitary foto disinfection.
Prior to signing the document, Tatyana Valovaya and Sontirat Sontijirawong discussed the algorithm of the EEC-Thailand interaction.