Emerging Markets Eurasian forum to be held in Astana

ASTANA. September 9. KAZINFORM The Regional Eurasian forum of emerging markets will be held on September 10-11 in Astana for the first time.

Foreign experts will discuss the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy, evaluate potential and perspectives of the long-term development of the country. Besides, the Strategy of Kazakhstan on accession to the club of 30 most developed countries of the world will be given consideration.

The Global and Regional Forum meetings of emerging markets are held in different countries around the world since 2005. The most famous are "Revival -2050", "Latin America-2050", "Mexico-2042" and "India-2039".

It is expected that the Eurasian Forum of emerging markets will unite more than 200 experts from the U.S., Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and former USSR countries.

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