England hit by heatwave

England, UK, Great Britain
Photo credit: standard.co.uk

A yellow alert warning has been issued for most of England, with temperatures set to reach 31°C in some areas, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Yellow alert issued during periods of heat which would mainly impact people who are vulnerable.

The warning, issued jointly by the UK Health Security Agency and the Met Office, will be in effect from Monday to Thursday.

The notice also highlights the potential strain on health services due to the predicted heatwave.

Attention has been drawn to the "increased risk of mortality among vulnerable groups and the higher likelihood of indoor environments becoming very warm" in the west, northwest, southwest, and northeast of England, as well as in London.

Meteorologists warn that UV levels will be high and urge people to use protective measures such as sunscreen and stay hydrated. They advise those sensitive to the sun to take extra precautions.

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