12:27, 29 December 2009 | GMT +5
Establishment of Customs Union to be most prominent event in 2010: PM
ASTANA. December 29. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ "We agreed to establish the Custom Union consciously and thoughtfully", Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov said at the briefing Tuesday.

"I believe that the agreements, achieved on the initiative of the Head of the State on establishment of the Custom Union and the Single Economic Space give an opportunity for Kazakh enterprises to extend their commodity market", K.Massimov said.
"Rather the question is that we need to work on improvement of the competitive ability, labor capacity in order to be able to sell our goods at the market", the Prime Minister stressed.
According to the Premier, the establishment of the Customs Union was a conscious, deliberate step. "We take into consideration all challenges and opportunities for the Kazakh economy", the Head of the Government said.
According to him, the establishment of the Customs Union will be the most prominent event in 2010.