Establishment of productive capacities location map not imply renunciation of principles of market economy: Kazakh Prime Minister

ASTANA. May 5. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ ?Establishment of the map of rational distribution of productive capacities doesn?t imply renunciation of the principles of the market economy?, Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has said today at the Government?s session.
As earlier reported, the Kazakh Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning was charged to develop the map of rational distribution of productive capacities, on the bases of which the estimation of the conditions of investment projects realization will be held. ?Upon the results of the held analysis it is necessary to develop the map and scheme of rational distribution of the productive capacities, work out all possible measures of state, infrastructural and administrative support. In this regard all interested state bodies must the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning with necessary information of realization of the investment projects?, K.Massimov said. He designated Umirzak Shukeyev an executive agent. K.Massimov noted that the key task of this year is redistribution of investments of foreign companies from the raw material industry to the real sector of the economy.
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