EU implements environmental project in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. December 8. KAZINFORM /Timur Bekturganov/ "The European side appreciates transparency and preparedness level of Kazakhstan to the development of cooperation in the ecological dimension", Head of environment protection project of the EU in Kazakhstan Russell Frost has said today at the seminar on the issue of modernization of environment protection system in Almaty.

The seminar is organized within the implementation of the EU project "Development and Improvement of Environmental Policy Instruments of the Republic of Kazakhstan", financed by the Union to the amount of EUR 1.9 mln. The Kazakh Ministry of Environment Protection is the main partner of the European side. The consortium headed by "Mott MacDonald" Company together with Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production and "Finnish Consultation Group International", "GFA Consulting Group" companies realize the project in our country.

The participants of the seminar - representatives of interested state bodies, international organizations, NGOs, Kazakh and European expert communities - discussed the instruments of realization of the environmental policy designed on three main directions of the environment protection: air quality management, river basin management and municipal solid wastes management.

According to national coordinator of the project, representative of the Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production Zulfira Zikrina, the EU cooperates with many countries in Central Asia within the regional environment protection projects. But the project on introduction of environmental policy instruments is implemented at the national level only in Kazakhstan.

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