EurAsEC chairmanship in 2010 handed over to Kazakhstan

ST. PETERSBURG. December 11. KAZINFORM /Narymbek Ismagulov/ "The chairmanship in the Eurasian Economic Community in 2010 was handed over to Kazakhstan", Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has said today at the press conference after the session of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC in narrow format.

"In this regard let me express gratitude for given confidence and assure the sides in Kazakhstan's desire to exert every effort on provision of the EurAsEC economic development", the Premier said.

According to K.Massimov, the previous period under the Belarus's chairmanship laid foundation for a range of important dimensions of cooperation of the countries on establishment of the customs Union and single economic space.

"Taking up the torch of the chairmanship Kazakhstan intends to exert every effort on preservation of the development rates and deepening of integration processes of our countries", the Head of the Kazakh Government said.

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