17:50, 11 December 2009 | GMT +5
EurAsEC premiers to sign agr't on basic principles of monetary policy
SAINT PETERSBURG. December 11. KAZINFORM. /Narymbek Ismagulov/ Heads of the governments of the EurAsEC member states will sign an agreement on fundamental principles of monetary policy on regulation and control in operations involving the flow of capital at the 25th sitting of the EurAsEC Interstate Council today.

As Kazakh Finance Minister Bolat Zhamishev commented on, the agreement provides that the states shall not apply restrictive measures connected with the flow of capital towards each other. "There won't be any measures on liberalization of monetary policy that could touch upon the third countries", he noted.
The Minister stressed that the document would fix basic principles excluding discriminatory decisions in the field of monetary policy and policy ensuring free capital flow.