Eurasia global risk rating presented in Astana

ASTANA.KAZINFORM - As part of the special session of the fourth annual meeting of the Astana Club, the Nazarbayev Center hosted a presentation of the international study "Global Risk Rating for Eurasia in 2019," Kazinform correspondent reports.

"The UN and the WTO, that are crucial international dispute resolution institutions, are now under threat amid trade and sanction wars, growing militarization. We believe that under these circumstances, Eurasia is at the crossroads, when it can either unite or become a field of global conflict," said Yerzhan Saltybayev, Director of the Institute of World Economy and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Over 30 competent experts and politicians, whose opinion is considered by state leaders, international institutions, and major mass media, took part in the survey. Also, more than 1,000 professional respondents from 60 countries have been polled.null

"This year we are considering a broad range of subjects from trade wars to the escalation of tension between global power centers, such as the U.S. and China," he added.

It should be mentioned that on November 12-13, Astana is hosting the 4th meeting of the Astana Club, an international political forum that gathers leading experts, politicians, and diplomats from across the globe. The Club's experts will discuss the challenges facing Eurasia in times of crisis and uncertainty.


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