09:12, 07 September 2013 | GMT +5
Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists presented G-GLOBAL project at G20 summit
ASTANA. September 7. KAZINFORM - Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists presented at G20 summit G-GLOBAL International Project which was designed to extend the format of global cooperation.

Its home web-site, worked out to unite the world community, contains summaries and links to the sites of the most important and major projects for Kazakhstan (www.group-global.org.).
Key projects of G-Global include the Astana Economic Forum and the World Anti-Crisis Conference which were held in May 2013 in Astana.
In addition to the AEF and the WAC on the G-Global website there are being discussed such initiatives as the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions and the EXPO 2017.
International group of MEGAPROJECTS G-GLOBAL includes Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions, International Exhibition EXPO2017, International Environmental Program "Green Bridge " and Antinuclear project ATOM.