Eurasian Intergovernmental Council to meet in Minsk

MINSK. KAZINFORM  The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council will hold its meeting in Minsk on 27 November, BelTA has learned. The heads of government of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states will consider the prospects of the integration association and the ways to improve its legal framework, BELTA reported.

The agenda of the meeting includes the EAEU digital agenda, cooperation in trade, industry and agriculture, energy, economic and financial policies. Participants will discuss draft agreements on the principles of tax policy in the field of excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco products and on the regulation of the alcohol market in the union.

The meeting will also highlight the formation of the common gas market in the EAEU, the draft concept of the EAEU financial market, other issues of supranational regulation.

The heads of government will be presented joint forecasts for the agro-industrial complex development, the supply and demand balance in the EAEU countries on agricultural products, food, flax fiber, raw hides, cotton fiber and wool for 2018-2019. Participants are expected to consider action plans for production stimulation and the use of wheeled vehicles with electric motors in the EAEU countries in 2018-2020. 

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