19:38, 23 February 2009 | GMT +5
Europe and Asia - common geographical and political space: Senate Chairman K. Tokayev
VIENNA-ASTANA. February 23. KAZINFORM As earlier reported, 8th winter session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly took place in Vienna, Austria, on February 19-20. Chairman of the Senate of the RK Parliament Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev made a special report at it. Kazinform disseminates full text of his statement.
Mr. President,
Distinguished members of the Parliamentary Assembly,
Ladies and gentlemen,
At the outset, on behalf of the Delegation of Kazakhstan, I would like to extend my congratulations to Greece on its assumption of the OSCE Chairmanship. I am confident that Greece will significantly enhance the role of our Organization which is currently undergoing a complex process of renewal and renovation.
The security and cooperation system in the modern world should not be considered either as purely European or as purely Asian. Europe and Asia comprise a common geographical and political space having many historical, economic and cultural links.
In this regard, all the states concerned need to combine their efforts in the search for the factors that bring together our countries.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In this statement, I would like to brief you on the priorities that we have outlined for the upcoming OSCE Chairmanship as well as on the principal outlines of the State Programme entitled ?Path to Europe? put forward by President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The main goal of this Program is to expand political and economic cooperation, attract investments and technology, upgrade the living standard, so as to establish strategic partnership with the European countries.
At the 17th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized that Kazakhstan views its future OSCE Chairmanship as an opportunity to breathe new life into the cooperation among the OSCE participating states.
Kazakhstan?s strategy in exercising the OSCE Chairmanship will be continued commitment to the principles of cooperation that we have always been adhering to. This will entail maintaining a constructive, balanced dialogue with all the members of the international community on the basis of trust and mutual understanding, taking into consideration contemporary global and regional developments.
The OSCE has an impressive track record in promoting democratic changes in our society. 15 years ago Kazakhstan had only a vague idea of the main objectives of the Organization. But today the OSCE has become an integral part of the political life of our country. Since the post-Soviet states joined the Organization, its essence and meaning have changed considerably. That is why raising the effectiveness of the Organisation will enable the OSCE to adequately respond to new challenges, as well as to enhance its agenda.
My country will continue promoting the three dimensions of the Organization, namely, the humanitarian, economic, environmental and politico-military ?baskets?.
Kazakhstan supports the OSCE efforts aimed at establishing and developing civil society and the rule of law as well as boosting democratic reforms in the participating states. We support the continuation of the ODIHR?s mandate and fair geographic representation of the OSCE participating states in the Bureau, in election observation missions and, also, in the core team.
Our country attaches special importance to the development of dialogue with non-governmental organizations. To this end we have held a number of civil forums on a regular basis. We encourage the participation of NGOs in the annual OSCE/ODIHR Human Dimension Implementation Meetings.
I also would like to highlight some steps that Kazakhstan has taken to further improve its political system, promote democratic institutions and enhance its legal framework based on European experience. Our efforts will be focused on enhancing Kazakhstan?s statehood building and promoting political reforms.
Our Parliament recently passed amendments to the laws on elections, on political parties, on the mass media and on issues of local government and self-government.
Amendments introduced to the Election law allow avoiding cases when only one party is represented in Mazhilis, the lower Chamber of the Parliament. In case only one party receives 7% or more of the votes cast, then the party that wins the second largest number of votes will be awarded parliamentary seats. This provision ensures that at least two political parties will sit in the lower chamber, regardless of the election results. Thus, this mechanism is in conformity with the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations.
When covering election campaigns, the mass media must devote equal print space and broadcasting time to information on all the candidates and party lists, and their registration by the election commissions.
Persons with no election observation experience are no longer banned from participating in observation missions. This will open up wider opportunities for observers representing political parties and candidates.
Parties, NGOs and other public institutions will be playing a pivotal role in the modernization of Kazakhstan?s political system. Ten political parties representing a wide variety of views are registered in our country, which has a population of more than 15 million people.
The revised Law on Political Parties is designed to enhance the organizational and legal framework of parties? activities, to strengthen their role and to further promote democratic processes in society. It ensures the development of a political system in compliance with international standards.
The registration threshold has been lowered. The procedure of party registration and their financing regulations significantly simplified.
Fostering local self-government has been a matter of primary importance for us. We believe that decentralization is crucial for democratization of society, first and foremost, in order to improve state governance. From now on, local self-government is to be established in regions (oblasts), cities, municipal and rural districts, settlements and villages. Maslikhats elected by local populations are to constitute local self-government. A new and efficient self-government mechanism has been established so as to get citizens directly involved in tackling the issues of local importance.
Mass media status now corresponds to economic, social and political level of development, as well as, the rule of law. Today registration procedures have been simplified significantly. Thus, the owners of mass media outlets, now submit only three documents (a media registration application, a copy of the owner?s state registration and a copy of the owner?s charter) and obtain registration certificates within 15 days.
Apart from that media representatives have been authorized to go directly to the court if government agencies and officials refuse to provide information they have requested.
Dear colleagues,
Successful maintenance of interethnic and interfaith concord has been recognized as one of the most significant accomplishments of Kazakhstan in the human dimension.
Kazakhstan has always been and remains to be a tolerant country. Our Constitution bans discrimination on any grounds, including that of adherence to a particular faith. At the same time, the state recognizes and fully guarantees the rights and freedoms of citizens and is interested in making the activity of religious organizations transparent.
Now there are over 4,000 religious communities belonging to more than 40 denominations including non-traditional faiths. The number of places of worship has been growing every year and today exceeds 3,000 (including over 2,000 mosques, more than 200 Orthodox Christian churches, about 1,000 Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, Jewish synagogues and houses of prayer).
We stand ready to share our experience in maintaining interethnic and interfaith concord in order to achieve the humanitarian goals of the OSCE.
The Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions initiated by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has successfully contributed to promoting of understanding among different confessions.
Since 2003 our capital Astana has already hosted two Congresses. This forum has been recognized and supported by the leaders of major world religions and international organizations involved in the dialogue among civilizations and cultures. The third Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions will be held on July 1 and 2, 2009 in Astana, this time with the participation and technical assistance of the United Nations. The main topic of the upcoming Congress is ?The Role of Religious Leaders in Building a World of Tolerance, Mutual Respect and Cooperation?.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite the participants in the Annual OSCE Mediterranean Contact Group Seminar that will precede the interfaith summit in Astana to take part in the Congress as honorary guests.
Our country has joined the ?Group of Friends? of the Alliance of Civilizations initiated by the Governments of Turkey and Spain. Supporting the proposal of the President of Kazakhstan, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2010 as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
Last October a forum entitled ?Common World: Progress through Diversity? which brought together diplomats of over 50 states and representatives of international organizations was held in our capital. The participants in this forum adopted the Astana Declaration which outlines a general vision of and approach to promoting dialogue between the Muslim world and the West.
During its OSCE Chairmanship in 2010 and its Chairmanship of the Organization of Islamic Conference in 2011, Kazakhstan will focus on the issues of facilitating dialogue among cultures and religions, enhancing tolerance and continuing the efforts of the participating states in the fight against all forms of discrimination, putting them high on the agenda of these two important organizations.
We regard the recent appointment of a Kazakh diplomat as Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims as recognition of our positive experience.
We believe that, in the economic and environmental dimension, it is necessary to bear in mind the fact that a number of participating states including Kazakhstan belong to the group of the land-locked countries. That is why the development of transit and transport infrastructure must become a priority task for both the land-locked and transit states. This will be of mutual benefit as it will further the economic growth of the region and facilitate the resolution of energy security problems.
We need to continue implementing OSCE environmental programmes. The Organization could substantially contribute to solving global environmental problems, including those relating to the former Semipalatinsk nuclear testing site and the Aral Sea area.
The OSCE, once created to alleviate tension, must continue to be a smoothly functioning mechanism to implement international legal instruments in the area of military and political security. In this regard, being a strong advocate of regional security and having voluntarily renounced the world?s fourth largest nuclear arsenal, Kazakhstan will continue its efforts aimed at strengthening stability in Central Asia and throughout the OSCE area.
It is extremely important to enhance OSCE involvement in the Eurasian security architecture. There can be no doubt that regional stability and the fight against terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, organized crime, and trafficking in human beings gain full support of all the participating states. And we will make every effort to respond effectively to these challenges.
The unstable situation in Afghanistan is a cause for serious concern. We support initiatives aimed at strengthening the role of our Organization in the process of Afghanistan?s post-conflict reconstruction. Engaging the OSCE will be an additional and effective way to coordinate the joint efforts of the international community to counter threats emerging from Afghanistan.
We are firmly committed to continue our assistance to Afghanistan in its economic reconstruction in full cooperation with local authorities and other members of the international community, including the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Economic Cooperation Organization.
Apart from seeking adequate ways to meet traditional and emerging challenges to international stability and security, the importance of ensuring a global energy balance has substantially increased.
While the world is experiencing global economic and financial crisis, energy security is of paramount importance for sustainable economic development. That is why, ensuring reliable energy supplies is an issue that concerns the entire international community. Kazakhstan has become one of the major exporters of energy resources. Diversification of export routes serves best the interests of my country.
As the most of the world energy production comes from politically unstable regions, the role of Kazakhstan as a reliable oil and gas exporter to European and global markets is expected to increase.
Dear colleagues,
Within a short span of time Kazakhstan asserted itself as a democratic and rapidly developing country with its unique identity and diverse culture. Our priorities are clear and irreversible.
Kazakhstan aims at enhancing the significance of Central Asia within the OSCE geography. We pursue the goal of enrooting our shared values in our part of the world. My country aspires to contribute to ensuring security and stability on the entire Eurasian continent.
It is worthwhile noting that Kazakhstan has valuable experience in chairing a number of regional organizations: the CIS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-building Measures in Asia. Kazakhstan?s OSCE Chairmanship creates new opportunities for the development of constructive cooperation among various regional organisations.
As a next OSCE Chairman, Kazakhstan intends to strengthen the Organization?s position as a unique platform for dialogue uniting Europe and Asia.
We are open for sincere and frank dialogue. We want to be a part of Europe. That?s why we prepared a special programme ?Path to Europe?. We look forward to having closer cooperation with all of you. Our path to Europe is irreversible.
Thank you for your attention.