09:44, 05 January 2009 | GMT +6
European Commission to send humanitarian aid to Gaza
BRUSSELS. January 5. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ On Sunday the European Commission announced allocation of humanitarian aid to the amount of EUR 3 mln to the population of Gaza Strip, Kazinform correspondent reports.
The aid will be allotted in the nearest terms to satisfy demands of the Gaza citizens ? victims of Israeli air strikes.
As Louis Michel, the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, noted 1.5 mln people need help and ?their condition worsens day by day?. In this connection the EU aid will be directed primarily to the regions heavily suffered from the attacks.
?I call the Israel Government to respect international obligations and guarantee ?humanitarian space? for rendering help?, the Commissioner stressed.
In 2008 the EC sent humanitarian aid to the people of Palestinian territories to the amount of more than EUR 73 mln, 56% of which was meant for the inhabitants of Gaza. The abovementioned EUR 3 mln sum will be used for acquisition of foodstuffs, tents and medicaments.