Ex-President of Poland: Kazakhstan - factor of stability in region

WARSAW. April 24. KAZINFORM Yesterday Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Poland Alexey Volkov met with ex-President of this country Aleksander Kwasniewski who is presently heading the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, Kazinform reports.
As the press service of the Kazakh Embassy informs, the Kazakh diplomat informed the ex-President of Poland of the modern political and economic situation in Kazakhstan, main directions of its foreign policy and the priorities of cooperation with the European Union, and highlighted realization of ?Path to Europe? State Program adopted in 2008. The Ambassador pointed out active dynamics of the two countries? contacts in the economic scientific and educational spheres. Thus the countries have entered into about ten agreements and projects within the Days of Polish universities in Kazakhstan including the memorandum of cooperation between the Kazakh Centre for International Programs and ?Perspektywy? Polish Educational Fund. The ex-President of Poland expressed great interest in social policy conducted in Kazakhstan amid the global financial crisis. Aleksander Kwasniewski was told about the Kazakh Government?s measures launched for fulfilling the President?s tasks: improving social support of the population, further development of infrastructure, improvement of utilities. In this context A. Volkov extended A. Kwasniewski the text of the Kazakh President?s Message to the Nation Through Crisis to Renovation and Prosperity translated into the Polish language. The Polish ex-President highly appraised the Kazakh Government?s efforts on neutralization and overcoming the consequences of the global crisis. According to him, ?Kazakhstan has always been distinguished with its political stability, advanced ideas and practical steps on the post-Soviet space?. Along with this, the Polish politician noted Kazakhstan?s activity within the SCO, the CICA, the Congress of the World and Traditional Religions? Leaders, the Dialogue of Cooperation in Asia and other structures. A. Kwasniewski pointed out these initiatives of the Kazakhstan leadership allowed considering Kazakhstan as ?an important stabilizing factors on the whole Eurasian continent?. Upon completion of the meeting, A. Volkov handed out several publications and books issued by the Embassy to the ex-President of Poland. The parties agreed to maintain constant working contacts and provide further assistance in development of the Kazakh-Polish relations in all spectrums of cooperation.
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