Expert: Kazakhstan’s OSCE Chairmanship is due to experience gained in 18 years

- This is a creative open dialogue where scientists, state officials and NGO members took part. They elaborated several proposals and suggested all the structures that are involved in the work on Kazakhstan's chairmanship at the Organization. The Program will be presented in January next year. We hope that our discussions, analyses and recommendations have helped form an effective program.
- What recommendations did you offer?
- We have discussed all the three dimensions of the OSCE activity and analyzed the political, economic and social situation in the Central Asian region, we have talked about the processes of democracy on the OSCE territory and in Kazakhstan. The recommendations are various indeed, and of course they conform to the principles of the Helsinki Final Act of 1975.
- What is this chairmanship expected to bring?
- This chairmanship has its power and has influence upon the work of Kazakhstan and the Organization. Kazakhstan is the first post-Soviet country to head the Organization. Kazakhstan is a Eurasian country, a member of many other regional organizations engaged in security and cooperation. All this has certain meaning in the chairmanship of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan will continue the principles that were started by the previous chairmen and the Board of Ministers and implementation of these key principles will enter the program too. Kazakhstan can apply its experience in the development of the OSCE, and appointment to the chair the Organization was due to the experience that your country has accumulated during 18 years. This experience is very diverse - support and consolidation of security and stability in the multinational country, experience of transformation of national economy, the experience and strong desire to prevent ecological disasters in the region, tolerance and the experience in liquidation of nuclear potentials, infrastructures and their consequences.