Expert: Kazakhstan’s political reforms may become an example to follow
"The address of the President answers the current political moment and the requirements of the modern political life. This step has been dictated by the increased complexity of the domestic and international life and the dynamics of today's world. It is aimed at democratization of the political system in general because effective management is impossible without a certain balance of powers of authority. When there are disproportions, it is always fraught with dangers: first of all, there is a danger of discredit of the power because of poor control. In this sense, the offered reform is an expression of the weighed political assessment and the analysis of the internal and external environment of Kazakhstan at the current stage. Many leaders of the world lose only because they failed to respond to the dynamics in the right time and didn't initiate the changes which would allow their countries to go forward", - T. Dronzina considers.
"How effective will it be? The President says that in the world there is no universal model of state system and everybody is in search of it. In any case these reforms are Kazakhstan's answer to the challenges of the modern world which are based on the experience accumulated for the last 25 years. It is Kazakhstan's answer to the question in what direction the country should go. In view of importance of the offered reforms, the President presents them for the national discussion. It think that it is a very important aspect of implementation of democracy in Kazakhstan as it gives the people a chance to raise the acute questions of constitutional order and political system", - Dronzina told.