18:11, 23 January 2017 | GMT +5
Expert points out work of Astana process organizers
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Director of the Institute of System Research "Parassat" Nursultan Akhmediya pointed out synergy with which the parties have prepared and conducted the Syrian settlement talks in Astana.
"It is a rare phenomenon in the history of negotiations when the host country, which is not a party to the conflict, was requested by several presidents to provide a negotiation platform request a country. There is no doubt it has become possible due to the international authority of Kazakhstan President, one of the main peace-makers of the modernity, who enjoys the trust of all countries", Nursultan Akhmediya said.
He also points out the high professionalism of the countries' MFA officers especially Kazakhstan's MFA, who could arrange all in a short time.