Expert sees positive tendency in Kazakhstan’s political reform
"It is important that President will preserve the strategic issues such as defence, security, foreign politics and the wide range of social and economic issues will be transferred to the Government. The Parliament's role will be stronger - it will have the right to question the Government's decisions and cancel them. I think this is an important redistribution because we remain in a dynamic balance", the politician said.
"I think there is a positive tendency in this reform. It is very important that the role of the party in the Parliament increases, because if you set up the Government based on the results of the Parliament election, it means the role of the political forces will be amplified. However there is an obvious movement towards more democratic management with functions redistribution. I think, these are important processes in Kazakhstan", - Stepan Grigoryan considers.
The expert noted that he has always seen Kazakhstan to respond quickly to external threats and challenges, and power redistribution is one of the ways to respond to the changes in the world.