Expo 2017 to boost village tourism in Kazakhstan
Such a proposal was expressed by Askhat Suleymenov, executive director of the coalition for green economy and G-Global development, at a conference themed "The resources, capacity, and development of domestic tourism in Kazakhstan". "Domestic tourism development in the framework of the upcoming Expo 2017 is very important issue. Head of State in his state-of-the-nation address noted that Government will allocate funds for the enhancement of infrastructure projects including tourism under Nurly Zhol program," said A.Suleymenov. According to him, the coalition is implementing several projects to boost domestic tourism. There will be worked out a concept under which villagers will run the tourism project. For example, tourists visiting the Expo will be offered to stay in the villages near Astana. Moreover, locals will run business and exchange ideas and culture with guests from outside the area, he added. However, he stressed that the project is still under development. The conference, which was organized by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan together with the coalition for green economy and G-Global development, has been attended by over 70 delegates from all regions of Kazakhstan, deputies of the Majilis, representatives of the Ministry for Investment and Development, JSC "Astana Expo-2017 NC", NGOs.