Factory of wedge-gate valves starts in Atyrau

ASTANA. September 3. KAZINFORM - In Atyrau has been commissioned the production of block valves. Capacity of the new plant, built under the program FIID (Forced industrial and innovative development) will be about 30 thousand units per year. The cost of the project amounts to $ 40 million.

According to the general director of "ShevronMunayGaz" in Atyrau region Mendigali Sappaev, gate valves are used in municipal supply of drinking water, gas supply, and wastewater disposal. Consumers will be not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the neighboring countries, as the Atyrau plant is unique not only in our country but also in the entire post-Soviet space.

Owner of the project is the Eurasian division of "Chevron". The new production employs 70 people, they are all citizens of Kazakhstan, who have been trained by specialists of Danish company «AVK», which supplied the equipment as well.

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