False information, disinformation, manipulation of facts, and false narratives are all things we have faced for many years - President Ilham Aliyev addresses 2nd Shusha Gobal Media Forum

Ilham Aliyev
Photo credit: Trend.az

The opening ceremony of the second Shusha Global Media Forum themed “Unmasking False Narratives: Confronting Disinformation” was held on July 20, Trend.az reports.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the Forum and answered the questions.

Sometimes we are surprised when information about Azerbaijan in international media is true. False information, disinformation, manipulation of facts, and false narratives are all things we have faced for many, many years, said President Aliyev.

“There are different reasons for that. One of them, of course, was the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the mobilization of all the Armenian diaspora structures, and pro-Armenian politicians and media representatives in attacking Azerbaijan, creating false narratives, and trying to present Azerbaijan as completely different from what it was and what it is,” the head of state noted.

Ilham Aliyev
Photo credit: Trend.az

COP is a main event on a global scale. This is the number one conference on the international arena, added the President of Azerbaijan.

“For the first time, it is going to be held in the area of the former Soviet Union and the region, and it is a unique chance for us to step into a higher league. Because we are not only organizing, we do a lot on the substance. We launch initiatives. We now actively work with developing countries in order to build bridges between the Global South and the Global North. Our advantage is that we've been chairing the Non-Aligned Movement for four years,” the head of state underlined.

As for our relations with the US, with the Republican administration, our relations have always been much more productive, fruitful, and result-oriented, pointed out Ilham Aliyev.

Ilham Aliyev
Photo credit: Trend.az

“During President Trump’s presidency, we enjoyed very fruitful cooperation based on mutual respect and appreciation of each other’s support on different tracks. Our relations with the United States were pretty stable. Despite the ups and downs, which were not initiated by us. There were just exaggerated expectations from Azerbaijan that did not materialize. There was a second attempt to influence our political life, attempts to finance political opposition,” the head of state added.

The Forum, attended by over 150 foreign guests from around 50 countries, including news agencies of 30 countries, three international organizations, and 82 media entities, provides a platform for joint discussions and actions among participants.

The first Shusha Global Media Forum themed “New Media in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution” was held on July 21-23, 2023.

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