Family Day celebrated in Astana orphanage

ASTANA. September 6. KAZINFORM These days the whole republic is celebrating the Family Day which is held in our country for the very first time this year. Pupils of Astana Orphanage did their part too. For the family is not only relatives who live together, family includes people who are united by their feelings, interests, attitude to the life, according to the organizers of the event.

"The family is the most important in the life of each of us. The family includes close and kindred people, those who we love, take for an example, those people we care of, wish good and happiness. In the family we learn to love, be responsible, care and respect...", - the celebration in the Orphanage started with these warm words.

"As it happens, our children have a family in this cosy, light and friendly Orphanage. We decided to hold the celebration in a form of sporting and entertainment program with the participation of the Orphanage's old friends - supervisors from NSC RoK. This warm and tight friendship has lasted for over 15 years. Officers have become not directors, but close and reliable friends for the children", - tell the organizers.

The celebration started with bright and interesting musical performances prepared by supervisors for the children, and continued with a sport competition "Happy family". Two teams, consisting of the Orphanage pupils, educators and supervisors, competed in strength, dexterity, persistency, they showed their knowledge of proverbs and saying about the family, friendship and happiness.

The Family Day ended with a festive dinner. Graduates of the orphanage, who study or have already graduated from educational institutions of the capital, were invited there.


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