18:12, 04 December 2012 | GMT +5
Film dated to International Day of Persons with Disabilities to be screened in Astana
ASTANA. December 4. KAZINFORM A free screening of a film dated to the International Day of Persons with Disabilities will take place tomorrow at the Kazakh National Academic Library, the official website of Astana's mayor says.

According to organizers of the event, the screening will bring together reps of NGOs, activists in the sphere of human rights, social workers, and students.
The international experts claim more than one billion people or approximately 15% of the planet's population are people with disabilities. There are more than 570 thousand disabled people in Kazakhstan, some 14 thousand reside in Astana. The event is expected to attract attention of the society to the problems of disabled people.
The screening was arranged by the Kazakh National Academic Library and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).